Notebook Covers & Refills
Standard 3.5" x 5" Police notebook.
- Demands for Roadside screening, breathalyzer tests, bloods samples and drug evaluations
- Proper note taking procedures
- Hazard symbols and classes
- Phonetic alphabet
- Ten codes or signals
- Metric conversion table
- and more!
Common Features in all Triform Notebook Refills:
- 200 writing pages, with every page numbered, 1 to 200, offering tighter control and exact page referencing. This better system replaces folio numbering of one side only, 1 to 100
- All pages have horizontal rulings with a vertical Day / Time / Key Word column at the left
- Sewn Construction Binding – prevents pages from falling out and allows for easier writing
- Your written notes stand out because of faint blue tint ink colour of ruled lines
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